Hip Arthroscopy

Since the early 20th century, when hip arthroscopy was regarded as being almost impossible to undertake, the procedure has developed in leaps and bounds. Presently there are many reasons why a surgeon might recommend hip arthroscopy to a patient.

  • To explain unexplained hip pain (diagnostic hip arthroscopy)
  • Removal of loose or foreign bodies
  • Repair of damaged articular cartilage (gristle)
  • Removal or repair of a torn acetabular labrum (see below)
  • Correction of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI – see below)
  • Management of damaged hip ligaments, e.g. ligamentum teres
  • Management of hip joint infection
  • Inflammation of the hip lining (synovitis)
  • Investigation of a painful joint replacement or hip resurfacing
  • Management of internal and external snapping of the hip including psoas and iliotibial band impingement
  • Trochanteric Bursitis
  • Hip Instability
  • Repair of tears of the gluteus medius and minimus

Perhaps the two most common current indications for hip arthroscopy include the presence of symptomatic FAI or an acetabular labral tear, or both.

Read More

  • Staged Hip Arthroscopy with Labral Reconstruction Followed by Femoral Derotation Osteotomy

  • Arthroscopic Hip Labral Repair with Core Decompression for AVN of the Femoral Head

  • Arthroscopic Repair of a Fascia Lata Labral Reconstruction Allograft Limb Detachment

  • Arthroscopic Segmental Labral Reconstruction with Fascia Lata Allograft using the Knotless Suture Pu

  • Endoscopic Hamstring Tendon Repair

  • Arthroscopic Excision of Acetabular Rim Fracture

  • Repair of Failed Arthroscopic Labral Allograft Reconstruction

  • Arthroscopic Excision of Heterotopic Ossification

  • Proximal Hamstring Reconstruction with Achilles Tendon Allograft

  • Arthroscopic Labral Reconstruction Peroneal Allograft

  • Arthroscopic Labral Reconstruction Parachute Technique

  • Arthroscopic Assisted Core Decompression with Stem Cells for AVN of the Hip

  • Arthroscopic Labral Repair and Open Derotational Osteotomy for FAI with Excessive Anteversion

  • The Femoroacetabular Impingement Resection (FAIR) ARC

  • Arthroscopic Fixation of Os Acetabuli Acetabular Rim Fracture

  • Endoscopic Sciatic Nerve Decompression for Deep Gluteal Syndrome

  • Ischiofemoral Impingement

  • Gluteus Maximus Tendon Transfer

  • Endoscopic Partial Proximal Hamstring Repair

  • Hip Labral Repair and FAI Surgery: complete surgery from setup to repair.

  • Hip Labral Reconstruction Using Fascia Lata Allograft

  • Enrique Ergas, MD, FACS Thomas Youm, MD, FACS Hip Arthroscopy: Femoroacetabular Impingement

  • Enrique Ergas, MD, FACS Thomas Youm, MD, FACS Hip Arthroscopy: Surgery for Femoroacetabular Impingement

  • Femoral Neck Osteochondroplasty

  • Labral Repair with Cam and Pincer Resection

  • Labral Takedown and Pincer and Cam Resection

  • Arthroscopic Treatment of Avascular Necrosis (AVN) of the Femoral Head

  • Enrique Ergas, MD, FACS Thomas Youm, MD, FACS Hip Arthroscopy Hip Arthroscopy

  • Hybrid Knotless and Knot-tying Labral Repair

  • Two Anchor Knotless Labral Repair

  • Hip Dysplasia & Capsule Repair

  • Hip Capsule Repair

  • FAI Prophylactic Surgery

  • Arthroscopic Assisted Core Decompression of the Hip

  • Endoscopic Gluteus Medius Repair by Dr Thomas Youm

Guidance prepared on behalf of the International Society for Hip Arthroscopy (www.isha.net)

Authors: Singh PJ*, O’Donnell JM**, Pritchard MG**

*Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford, UK
**Mercy Private Hospital, East Melbourne, and Bellbird Private Hospital, East Blackburn, Victoria, 3121, Australia

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  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • International Society for Hip Arthroscopy
  • American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
  • The Arthroscopy Association of North America
  • http://www.sportsmed.org/
  • OrthoEnglewood